Friday, July 4, 2008


Okay, I know. Today is The Fourth of July--Independence Day! And, like virtually every other holiday, it is a day to give thanks.

I always feel self-conscious, and a bit pushy, if not downright sanctimonious when I suggest that we actually express our thanks at the Thanksgiving table. I'm not sure whether the resistance is truly coming from those assembled or whether it is inside me. Regardless, I truly value the act of giving thanks, of recognizing one's bounty. I do it just about everyday in my morning "Walk 'n' Talk."

As I walked this morning there was a noticeable bounce in my step. I have so much to be thankful for. This is a great nation "conceived in Liberty," and I feel grateful that I am partaking amply in the harvest sown by the Founding Fathers.

I’ve been polishing up my website to launch it today, so its contents are prominent in my thoughts right now. I am grateful that I have had the space in my life to create an ethical will this past year, and to share it lovingly with my magnificent family. Moreover, I have had the good fortune to share this and more with many others through the use of this absolutely magical iMac and with the support of bright, beautiful, and energetic trainers at the Apple store who helped me construct my website and enter these blogs. I have had an abundance of opportunity to reflect, create, share, and love.

As much as I relish seeing my work take form, I look with even greater joy upon the contributions my family made to truly complete the ethical will. By each of them offering words that described what they had learned from me, my collection of blessings in a way became sealed. Hearing what they had learned gave the lessons back to me--sometimes by surprise! Did I teach them that? Did I demonstrate that value? (Some of these I liked hearing about more than others!)

So today is a good day to reflect on an item from Jake's list where he says he learned: “Independence – it is okay to go on your own when nobody wants to 'come with.'" As a Myers-Briggs extrovert I am curious about how I have been spending an increasing amount time alone, and enjoying it quite a bit. As alone as I may be at times, I feel as though what I do is always in relation with others known or unknown. I feel I have an audience even if this blog falls like a tree in the proverbial forest. I guess that’s where the Myers-Briggs thing comes in. Even if no one literally “comes with” I invent them. It’s like shooting 8-ball alone, pretending that Joel Cohen is stripes to my solids. Well, I don’t shoot much pool any more, but you get the idea. Now what I do is more an act of faith that what I do will somehow connect me to others in another time and place.

So far riding bike has been a relatively solo affair. I’ve talked occasionally to other cyclists in stores, at work, at cycling events, but I’ve done very little riding with others so far. Ultimately it gets down to man and machine and the long road ahead. That’s a pregnant metaphor, if ever there was one. I will leave it for you to ponder.

Lastly, at the risk of being a bit pushy, if not downright sanctimonious, I’ll suggest that we all express our thanks for whatever few or hopefully many blessings we can count today. Have a Fabulous Fourth!

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